*In a Nut Shell

In the Spotlight

Miss Anastasia is famous!

My good friend, Kate, does a super fab job over at her blog Sancta Nomina doing daily posts about saint names in general as well as naming consultations she does for families who are looking for help/ideas in maintaining certain name themes their family may have, and other namey-type-name things ALL on a Catholic level. Hence, the name of her blog.

It is one of my favorite places to get lost on the web as I always learn so much about a name and I love to analyze family names and chime in with an idea of my own in the comments.

Anywho, she did a spotlight on Anastasia today! So, hop on over and check it out. And, be sure to bookmark her site as you never know when you might be in a naming dilemma of your own, or when you might want something pleasant to read when on the internet.

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